Major Jeffrey D. Warstler, Jr.
October 5, 2013Freedom Quilts Heroes
Major Jeffrey D. Warstler, Jr., United States Army, 39 passed away on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013 following an extended illness. He joined the United States Marine Corps, and after his years of service entered the United States Army. He served two tours of duty in Iraq. His latest assignment before falling ill was at the Pentagon.
This quilt was made by Freedom Quilts for his family.
"Best Commander I have ever worked for, didn’t know he had passed away until now and now it explains why I haven’t been able to find him. He was a good boss and a good friend to my family, I thank God for myself and my family getting to know him when I worked for in California for the San Fernando Recruiting Company."
Miguel A. Lemusmorales
"Miguel…not sure if you remember me. I was the former FRG of San Fernando company. (The Czech girl) I became his wife after we left for D.C. I called when he got ill…about 3 weeks after we left. I’m sorry You had to find out online."